Saturday, September 17, 2005

Saturday's here again

Well, here I am again having a lie down this time waiting for things to happen. At least this week nothing major has happened like the Frankenstein dog from the week before. Didn't I tell you about that?

Auntie Faith is one of Mummy's two special whippets, well they're always in her bed! I have a bit of a problem getting up there as the bed is a bit high at the moment but I have my own special bed just outside of the bedroom, it used apparently to be uncle Wallys (who I've never met) but they say it's ok to have his bed now, but I digress! Anyway auntie Faith went out with Jason and came back with a 7 inch gash on her neck and had to go to the V.E.T, I've been there once and fell asleep on the table, it wasn't very soft though!

Sorry, where was I? Oh yes, she had to have it washed out with antiseptic (whatever that is) and Mummy said she was a brave little soldier as she had it fastened together with little metal things called staples. Well, she wasn't allowed out for a week on the dog run and had to stay with me as I'm not allowed on it either as I'm too little (well not exactly little just too young!). She was in a real temper and wouldn't play with me so I found a nice toilet roll to chew...............

Anyway here's a picci of Auntie Faith's bad neck, not for the squeamish!

Anyway, it's time for tea now, catch up with you all later.............



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