It's that time of year again!
Hi folks, it's that time of year again already when these people come on holidays. Mum calls them the November gang! For those of you who haven't met them before, Joe is on the right and that woman in the middle! I assume you will all know Andy on the left!
Anyway, about THAT woman, her name is Anty Karen, but she is a nasty person as she does this to me every time she comes.............

Argh mind me bits, Anty Karen!

I hate this time of year...........................

Anyway, they had a new dog with them this time as Anty Tessa has got a Sealyham Terrier called Darcey, here she is with Bird the blind poodle....................................
As some of you might know, Sealyham Terriers originated from just outside of Haverfordwest at a place called Sealyham Mansion and here's Darcey going back to her roots........
Here are some nice beach shots stolen from Anty Karen's album on Facebook!
Andy and Joe do the rocks....................................
Anty Karen with Molly and Edie..............................
and finally Andy the Pied Piper!
Now last time Joe and Karen came to Wales, they bought Karen's sister Lisa. She really enjoyed her last visit and was very sad she wasn't coming this time, so Joe and Karen bought her with them in the form of a cardboard cutout and took her everywhere with them! (They're all maaad!)
In the window at Wyn's Cottage.............................
Anyway by Thursday which was bonfire night, Dad had built a big fire in the bottom paddock and made a Guy, which they then put poor Lisa's head on! What are they like?

Edie, with Magic and Callie in the background.............................

She went to quite a lot of places and had her photo taken with nearly everyone. At Karen and Jeanette's.

Oops! Anyway luckily she saw the funny side and is threatening revenge for when she comes down next in February! Watch out Dad!
On the down side I have to report that Mum has been quite poorly over the last couple of weeks and had a really bad asthma attack on top of a virus, ending up in Casualty a week last Wednesday. They put her on oxygen and some other stuff to make her better, but it gave Dad a bit of a fright I can tell you. Anyway, she's a lot better than she was and back to work tomorrow! Shame really, as we have all taken turns on the bed making sure she recovered!
That's all the news for now then and it's nearly time for our afternoon dogrun.
Catch you later, Waj x
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