Merry Christmas to you all!
Good morning folks and a merry Christmas to you all!
I bet some of you were up at the crack of dawn with children opening Santa's presents, if they've been good that is. Mum was up at the crack of dawn as I wanted to change beds from the bedroom to the settee. I find the whole opening doors thing a bit awkward with paws. Another thing I find hard with paws is the mouse on the laptop, our main computer gave up the ghost during a storm in November so we have been forced onto the laptop which Mum hates and I can see why!
Anyway, I digress, I was telling you what happened at the crack of dawn, besides me waking everyone up! Santa had been to us in the form of dog treats which were in a box on the table, we all had one yesterday evening, which was very nice but the rest had been saved for today. Needless to say as Mum was pulling the throw straight on the sofa she found an almost empty packet of dog treats, there were three left. Of course by then there was no one with them but my money is on Phoebe, as the two whippeties were in the bedroom. Kish and I find it a bit hard to get on the table these days!
Anyway, what's the weather been like where you are? We have had rain, snow, well a little bit and freezing temperatures. So what does Mother do? Put stupid coats on us that's what! I get my own back by refusing to go to to the loo while I'm wearing it, so she has to take it off anyway! I can see the point of the old ladies wearing them, but not us younger ones, Lucy has already lost one in the bushes last month. Anyway, here are some photo's, don't look at mine I look like a big poof!
Jason taking us for the afternoon dogrun, notice I managed to get out of wearing mine on that occasion, hee hee..............................
Kishka wears her own!
Lucy prefers pink................................
Bear goes in green......................................
Phoebe boings in beige.............................not quite her colour but all they'd got in her size!
Ok, look away now! Here's me in my reversible blue, light or dark. I'm in the dark side.............................................................
Faith shows off the light side, as she's got the same one as me, in a lot smaller size of course!
and finally quite unrelatedly, here's a picture of one of Mother's other whippets that she dog sits for. When Anty Llyn Chapman goes off to the dog shows with the JR whippet Rescue stall (that's who Mum goes to Crufts with), she looks after five of her dogs. Two geriatrics's Moth and Gigi and three younger ones Whisper, Snow White and Domino. This is Domino,I just liked the photo!
Anyway, guess where Mum's gone this morning? Over to Wyn's Cottage to do the cleaning as young Jason had friends to stay and they've left the place filthy so Mum and Dad are not best pleased. On the plus side, they don't have to cook today as they are going to Uncle Paul's for dinner, then back in time to make sure we get ours! No doubt we'll all be watching that Strictly Come Dancing program later as me mother is a big fan. Ho hum......
I bet some of you were up at the crack of dawn with children opening Santa's presents, if they've been good that is. Mum was up at the crack of dawn as I wanted to change beds from the bedroom to the settee. I find the whole opening doors thing a bit awkward with paws. Another thing I find hard with paws is the mouse on the laptop, our main computer gave up the ghost during a storm in November so we have been forced onto the laptop which Mum hates and I can see why!
Anyway, I digress, I was telling you what happened at the crack of dawn, besides me waking everyone up! Santa had been to us in the form of dog treats which were in a box on the table, we all had one yesterday evening, which was very nice but the rest had been saved for today. Needless to say as Mum was pulling the throw straight on the sofa she found an almost empty packet of dog treats, there were three left. Of course by then there was no one with them but my money is on Phoebe, as the two whippeties were in the bedroom. Kish and I find it a bit hard to get on the table these days!
Anyway, what's the weather been like where you are? We have had rain, snow, well a little bit and freezing temperatures. So what does Mother do? Put stupid coats on us that's what! I get my own back by refusing to go to to the loo while I'm wearing it, so she has to take it off anyway! I can see the point of the old ladies wearing them, but not us younger ones, Lucy has already lost one in the bushes last month. Anyway, here are some photo's, don't look at mine I look like a big poof!
Jason taking us for the afternoon dogrun, notice I managed to get out of wearing mine on that occasion, hee hee..............................

Hope you all enjoy your day and we'd like to wish all our friends and guests a very merry Christmas and a prosperous, happy and healthy New Year.
Love from Waj, Bear, Faith, Poppy, Kish, Phoebe and not forgetting Lucy Lulu (as if we could!)
and of course our humans! xxx
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