C-r-u-f-t-s and things...
Hiya folks,
Well here we are, another busy month come and gone but I'd like to start this blog by wishing all the Mum's out there a happy Mothers Day and a bit of a belated happy birthday to a couple of members of my doggie gang, firstly little Faith who was 13 on Friday 1st April.................
then also to Kishka who was 8 yesterday 2nd April, how elegant is that pose!? Hee, hee.................
Anyway, as many of you know, March means C-R-U-F-T-S! This means we get to spend some time on our own, as our humans are jiggling either travelling with the JR Whippet rescue stall, manning the stall and on the days that anty Llyn Chapman is also travelling or manning the stall, looking after her dogs too! Anyway, here's a couple of photo's from Crufts, Chris manages to find a whippet to hug.
Dad helping set up the stall.....................................
Well it was five days of busyness but everything went according to plan, and by the Monday we were all back to normal apart from being very tired, well when I say we, I mean my humans were! Anyway, Mum bought new print which I'll show you next time as it's hung up in Wyn's Cottage and a new bed for me which I rather like as it's furry on the inside and you know I like furry things, hee, hee.......
Faith and Poppy still prefer the old duvet and Lady Lucy Locket has the whole of Mum and dad's six foot bed to recline on by herself!
Then arrive John and Wendy, who stay in Swallow's Dance. They are classed as "special" friends which mean they have a week of dinners, get togethers and shopping as Mum, Wendy and Andy do a shopping and lunch day, this time to Solva. As the weekend was so bright, they decided to hold the first barbeque of the year. Dad doing the cooking with John looking on.................................
Luckily all us dogs were invited too, here's Faith saying hello to Monica................
Then my mother got that stupid camera thing out again so I had to try and hide behind Dad on the sofa trampling all over Monica in the process.....................
Nearly there, well I'm hiding my head anyway.........
Lucy's not so shy!
Well, we were all stuffed with sossiges and beef burgers and didn't want breakfast the next morning but I did have my favourite lasagne for tea! And so a good time was had by all.............
Dig that look on Callie's face!!
Anyhow, that's all for now, will be off on the dogrun soon, catch you all later!
Waj x
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