And then we were six...
Hi folks,
You may guess from the title, that what I have to tell you that is that Bear went to see Mrs. V.E.T last week and sadly came home wrapped in a blanket. She had been going downhill for the past couple of weeks as the cancer progressed, and the open sore on her side was making her very uncomfortable and unlike her, grouchy! Of course us dogs could smell what was wrong and knew that it was nearly her time, so on Friday 14th May we all went on a short dogrun round the valley and Dad left on the final journey. He took her for a last amble on the beach and she gently and peacefully passed away in the van, as he didn't want to take her into the V.E.T's itself. When he came back it was all very tearful for Mum and Dad, then we were all allowed to say goodbye with a last sniff. It took Dad three hours to dig the hole (as the ground was so hard and stony!) and she is now at rest with my predecessor Wallace, and Leo and Hestia.
Some photo memories, dressed for the snow.............................

The only one allowed in the open top Sports thingy!

Her newspaper coverage!

Hi Waj
Did try to blog you but it doesn't seem to be there so sorry if it's twice now.
We asked our mum why the tears and she said Paddy's girlfriend had gone to rainbow bridge and we were all sad too then. Paddy liked Bear a lot more than he likes me but that's brothers for you.We were sad to think of uncle Trev in the van with Bear, then bringing her home.
My mum said to me yesterday that we are going to Aunty Carol's soon and I wagged and wagged and got all excited.Less than 2 weeks now and my mum can't wait.
Love and hugs to everyone
Gracie Girlyxxxxxxxx
Hugs and licks all round - I'm so sad reading this. The first time we came to Dumpledale Bear made us feel so welcome with her wags and funny smiles. (You, Waljan, were reluctant to let us use the chair, as I recall, and wriggled until your human guest was virtually teetering on the edge. Never mind, we love you too.)
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