Sunday, June 05, 2011

Lucy's big day out!

Elo, Luce ere, i az bin bad, or so Mumi sayz. I wus owt wiv dad and i spotz unlce Andy in de vallee, dad howevr did not! On ocashun i haz bin nown to go off wiv de pokit rokit for a beet of a moocha after de furrie fings called babits. well we az bin owt for a tyme in de past, but dis tyme we wuz owt for free and an haf howrs. Me mum wuz worrit as she cam dowen in de vallee free tymes callin me but we wuz havin two much of a gude tyme to cum bak, alltho i herd her showtin. Mumi calls it selektiv sigh-tound defness. hanyways, i bourt dem a small preesent wen i cum bak in de form of a likkel babit wich unlce Andy gev to his ferets overwyse nown as de carpit sharcs! i allso wen to de pub las weak wiv Mr. Podge it wuz gude fun goin owt lait as ther wuz lotts of babits abowt butt i never cawt one then.
Me an Mr.P in de Pub..........
 Den Mumi tuk anty Llyn to de zoooooo wear she an dad ad beeen a fuw weaks ago, anty Llyn loiked to bee abel to fead de walabees........................................................
 Ders a babi wun in its pokit..........................................
 Ewe cud get clows to de leeemus too....................................................

 an hear arr sum pinkk berds................................................. funni aint dey?
 Den Mumi and dadi wenton a steem trayne an ad a nyce dinn er wiv anty chris an ucnle andy, wha sort of a fais iz ee pullin!

 oooh err hear cums Mr.P beta let hym feenesh de blog, cattch ya latur. Luce xxx

Hi folks. Waj here just caught that dratted whippet on me blog again! Well as she said we both went to the pub last week but I also got another outing to the Trim trail in Haverfordwest. It is so named as there is a circuit of outdoor training aids such as rails etc all set by the side of the river which is also a favourite picnic place. Well we had a little walk round.................................
 explored the picnic area...........................................................................
 Here I am camouflaged in the trees, hee hee......................................................
 You all been having some nice weather? I get quite hot in my coat so enjoy my swim when we come back from the dogrun...........................................................................
Anyway, that's all the news for the mo, although Mum, Dad, Anty Jude, Bev and Mums friends, Chris, Sharon, Tracy, Anne and the children George and Gerorgina all went to a kareoke in the pub last Sunday. Mum was photographed with ANOTHER dratted whippet on her lap, called Skye, you've probably all seen the photo's on that Facebook site, we weren't allowed to go so we sulked a bit. Anyway, poor Anty Sharon got poorly while on hols and is still in hospital, so we would all like to wish her a speedy recovery from everyone on the farm.
Catch you later!
Waj x


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