What do you do on holiday?
Well, as some of you may know, Mum and Dad are building a new holiday cottage so that more of my doggie pals can stay on their holidays. Last week the roof trusses arrived (yes, I'm getting very knowledgeable about building materials these days, I even have breeze blocks to pee up!). So here are some of the roof trusses in place...............................
Trev and Andy lifting the trusses and who's that in the middle?
Would you rope your current holiday guests in to help you lift the said trusses onto the wall plate? Oh yes they would!! The one in the middle is Paul who came to stay in Dumpledale last week! They have no shame!............
There was only 38 of the things and they were very heavy I can tell you, 'cos later in the afternoon once they had all been lifted into place and battened together, a huge big gust of wind came and blew them all down like a pack of domino's! The air was blue! Luckily they didn't fall on anyone though and they stayed up on the roofspace so they didn't have to be lifted up again.
Dad would like to say a big thanks to Paul and Andrea (for those people on the Refuge, that's Safneo) for helping out. Paul for doing the lifting and Andrea for letting him, when they would probably rather been doing something more pleasant! So, if you're coming on hols this summer, don't forget your hard hat and work boots!

Back to doggie things, Kish has got a poorly paw at the moment so wasn't let on the dogrun today. I didn't realise she wasn't going till we were out in the backfield and she wasn't there for me to chase, so I had to make do with lunging at Bear instead who wasn't impressed! These two had a good run though, do you think they've bonded?
One last one of that dratted whippet in the bed, she's a right diva!
Hi to all our new blog readers from Dogs with blogs linky thing here http://www.dogswithblogs.com.au/ I looked through and I think I am the only deerhound with a blog and Luce is the only whippet contributor although Bella has a whippet sister, hi Bella!

Anyway, must be nearly time for tea so I'll have a quick nap before then. It's about time Mum cut my fringe, what do you think?
Hi to all of you,
It will be nice to have a holiday kennel-house - lucky pups.
Very cute snuggly pics and your fringe looks fine - esier to see things to chase I imagine.
There is one other DWB deerhound blogger that I know of - check out Kubrin's blog - they are a bunch of sight hounds and I'm pretty sure his brother Tealeaf is a deerhound
Hi again I forgot to add the link to Kubrin & the racey hounds - here 'tis
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