New arrivals and the German trip
Mummy's friend from a long time ago who she hasn't seen for some years suddenly had a major aneurism (I think that's how you spell it!) and was rushed into hospital and nearly died. Well apparently she had been collecting "rescue" dogs for some time but not rehoming them. A dog rescue was called and 10 taken straight away into care but she had sent a letter t0 Mummy which arrived while they were in Germany to see if she could help with another four. Mum and Andy went up to the kennels and we saddened as to the conditions there so bought the four dogs out straight away. Two she left in foster care with Aunty Gill and two she bought home. So, da da (drumroll) here they are......................................

Probably on a settee for the first time in her life! She was very nervous when she first arrived but has attached herself to Mum and is getting more confident by the day. These are the two whippities Sophie and Oz, who stayed with Auntie Gill at first. They have now gone to stay with Auntie Corinne who comes to stay with us on holidays every year and brings us nice treats, so I'm sure Sophie and Oz will enjoy it there.
These two were in quite good condition compared to some of the others, although Phoebe is underweight and had to be wormed and Tara was infested with fleas! She had a flea bath in which about 20 died, then Dad combed at least another 30 out! So no wonder she was scratching! It made me itch too until Mum got the flea spray out! Anyway will keep you posted on their progress. Meanwhile onto the Germany trip!
Here's Dad and Jason enjoying a bier in Bonne, Ja?
Mum did go this time, 'cos here she is at a wine tasting evening. Think she'd like to take the barrel home! Hee, hee.........................
Some other members of the family enjoying the wine tasting................................
That jug was supposed to be for spitting the wine out after tasting it! Not much chance of that with our family!
Jason pretending he had enjoyed the wine tasting too much, well I think he was pretending?
Anyway, must dash, got to keep these ladies in order especially from next week as Mummy is going back to work. Oh dear!
All the best,
Waj x
Your mummy's as MAD as ours. Good job DAD says NO MORE DOGS (please)
We gottened FLEAS when we 1st moved here. The lady before had LOTS of CATS (yuk). The WHOLE HOUSE had to be DE-FLEAD TWICE.
Be nice to the new arrivals.
See you next year.
Ginny Spot.
Hiya Ginny,
Can understand what your dad means, we ad six and that wus enough. But now we got Phoeb and Tara well you know it as stretched to eight! Never mind! Hope all those fleas are dead!
See you next year,
Waj x
Hello my lovely cousin(s)
Mom as arsked me to tell you that in January's edition of Dogs Today there is a letter (page34) asking if anyone knows of good doggie hols for a group of folk wiv 15 dogs. I had to think very, very, very, long and hard, then i fort "I know!!!!!" Aunty Carol!!!!!! So batten down the hatches, here come lorrrrts of new friends, maybe, happen. If they can get in when we are not there. Or maybe when we are!!!!!
Hope to see you soon,
(Waj, I'm sure you don't mind me using your blog to talk to Tara.)
Hi from Kai (the poet :) ).
As you are sister to my Aunty Beryl, you must be my Aunty as well - which means that my family is getting bigger, and that is brilliant.
All I can say is that you have ended up in a fabulous place to stay, and I reckon that you are going to love it - if you aren't already.
And Jack is in lurve with Phoebe (he's in lurve with any girl he sees for the first time); mind you, she is quite stunning.
All the Beastly Beasts hope you all have a great Christmas, and we will see you all when come on our holiday in September.
Hello Kai,
Nice of you to talk to me, it's nice to know I have a nephew as well as a sister! It's very strange being able to get up and go out when I want and also going on long walks. Although Waj did knock me over last week as being on the older side I'm not so staedy on my pins these days! It is getting easier though as I'm now getting some muscles back into my legs again.
I'll pass your comments on to Phoebe Jack, but she is getting to be a bit of a flirt since she came into season. Apparently it was her very first season even though she was 18 months old!
Anyway, hope you all had a good Christmas and all the best for the New Year to your humans and the rest of the Beasts.
Love Auntie Tara x
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