New Year and Christmas!
We had an excellent Christmas Eve party with all the family. We met Shelley and Maria from Yorkshire, and Max and Tiny the greyhounds who came over with their humans, Claire and Alistair. They told us that they go on the White Lodge walks with our friends The Beastly Beasts. I also hear that the Beasts have become six! Check out Mr. Shagmeister and their Christmas piccies at It was great for us dogs ‘cos we had plenty of food left from Christmas Eve, yes you’ve guessed it my favourite lasagne!
Christmas day we just had ten to dinner so it was a bit quieter but we did all have turkey dinners and the next day and the next day! It doesn’t matter though ‘cos we all like turkey!
New Years eve was very quiet ‘cos all our humans went out to Paul and Caroline’s new house and they came back singing happily just after one and woke us all up to do a late night walk. Dad didn’t fall over this time though, must remember to tell you that story sometime!
Anyway, I digress. Thurday night we had Joan and Paul Jones over and their son Nigel, daughter in law Sharon and granddaughter Georgina. They have got five whippets one of which apparently went all the way to Poland with her human and won best of breed in the World Cup Show so well done to them!
Don’t think Luce would win anything as she’s become a bit porky over Christmas then Mum found out why! Oh yes, in Lucy's terms, "I can sees de kat deesh"

"Kleer de bottom of de deesh"
Let it go and no one knows you’ve had it excepting Mum who caught her at it with the camera! Thought the cat was getting through a lot of food!
So young pups beware eat too much cat food and this happen……………
Want to go upstairs but Mum has shut us in the conservatory as we’ve got muddy feet, wonder if I can get through here?
Well, I’m half way through but oh dear seem to have put a bit of weight on over the hips,
Help Mum I’m stuck!
Mum had to pull her out backwards!
Finally some Christmas shots................................Lucy's Christmas Cushion!
Lucy's "I'm looking sweet in a Christmas hat" shot.
Now Zara’s I'm looking sweet in a Christmas hat!
Finally for those of you who haven’t met her, please welcome Pocket Rocket, Andy’s planned minature agility dog. Known as Rocket she is a Jack Russell now about 16 weeks old, dressed in a most fetching Santa outfit but a bit on the big side!
That's all for now folks, time for tea!
Waj x
O Lucy, stuck in the gate what an indignity! Glad you have all had a nice time, here's to 2007!
love Pharaoh the Phabulous
Looks like Lucy will have to join Whippet Weight Watchers.
Happy 2007 from The Beastly Beasts
stuck too funny, I can't believe next xmas is booked already!
Hi Manta,
Yes we've got a big family sharing the two cottages for Christmas next year. Still Dad's hoping to have our other cottage done by then (we hope!).
Are you Daisy and Muffin coming to visit us again this year?
If so catch you later, Waj x
Hello Waj
a new cottage! we will keep our eyes on the look out we are looking for next Xmas......DD is getting fat too!
lol she is a little pudding
love your blog
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