That radio thing and someone put the clocks back!
Hi folks,
Before we start, that dratted whippet was complaining that she hasn't been in any posts lately so just to remind you, here's Lucy........................
Looking very naughty I might add! Anyway, onto that radio thing. Well,
Before we start, that dratted whippet was complaining that she hasn't been in any posts lately so just to remind you, here's Lucy........................

what a big disappointment! It was today that Mum was on the radio, but no one knew it was going to be on! She had emailed radio Pembrokeshire on Monday, asking when it was going to be on and didn't have a reply. She emailed again yesterday and no reply again. Today she happens to be in the car going to work, only by chance having the radio on, to hear that Carol Davies from Little Dumpledale was going to be on in a couple of minutes! Stopping the car she frantically phones everyone she can think of who wanted to listen, and heads on to work. No chance to record it or anything, so that was that!
Anyway, somebody put the clocks back but didn't tell us dogs! Yesterday morning it is 7.30am, we go out for our morning dogrun at 7.00am so I thought I would wake them up! Firstly I scratch on the door, so Dad lets me in to go and lie on the dogbed in the bedroom. Mum is complaining that it's only half past six. She's silly, doesn't she think I know EXACTLY what time it is?
No one makes any move to get up, so I jump on the bed in between them. They think I am just getting comfortable to go back to sleep for another half hour. However this is NOT what I have in mind, hee, hee. Being on the large and heavy side I parks my back against Mum, flex my legs against Dad's back and push! Mum shoots out of bed and onto the floor! It was soooo funny! Of course as soon as she's out of bed I jump off and am ready to go, so as she's up she has to take us! I love the morning dogrun, in fact I love ALL our dogruns!!
Anyway, better scoot off now as it's nearly time for the evening dogrun, usually lots of exciting smells on that one!
Catch you later, Waj x
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