A mesige from lucy
Helo Lucy heer,
i hav borowd Waj's blog as i hav somting inpotent to say. Waj has bean teling evrywon how norty i am, but i am not norty at al and im shur he has had moor shoos then me any wey! and on the lazt subjekt of the roofe, I wuz havin a nois bit of xersiz and was njoyin miself when mumy maid me get dowen.
Any wey, i hav a mesige four Anty Gill who com with the Beasts who i lickd veri mutch. Furst Mumy said did u leve some pink fings? a jumpur and some undiwere? if so, shee wil send them bac with your carryer bag tidi.
On the subjekt of the carryer bag tidi, I hav a confeshun to mak. Mumy and dady went owt agayn this week so i fort i wuld unpak it four u. I tuk it in the gardin for a wile and made it a bit mudy. I fort i wuld save mi fwends a job.
Any wey mumy sed she wil wash it, witch was a bit of a wayst of tym four me az i fort it loked realy nicz as it wuz.
i mai wip his blog agen somtym, as i am a wipet! it wuz nicz talken tu youz al!
Lucy Lulu
i hav borowd Waj's blog as i hav somting inpotent to say. Waj has bean teling evrywon how norty i am, but i am not norty at al and im shur he has had moor shoos then me any wey! and on the lazt subjekt of the roofe, I wuz havin a nois bit of xersiz and was njoyin miself when mumy maid me get dowen.
Any wey, i hav a mesige four Anty Gill who com with the Beasts who i lickd veri mutch. Furst Mumy said did u leve some pink fings? a jumpur and some undiwere? if so, shee wil send them bac with your carryer bag tidi.
On the subjekt of the carryer bag tidi, I hav a confeshun to mak. Mumy and dady went owt agayn this week so i fort i wuld unpak it four u. I tuk it in the gardin for a wile and made it a bit mudy. I fort i wuld save mi fwends a job.
Any wey mumy sed she wil wash it, witch was a bit of a wayst of tym four me az i fort it loked realy nicz as it wuz.
i mai wip his blog agen somtym, as i am a wipet! it wuz nicz talken tu youz al!
Lucy Lulu
Hello Luce
I think you are great to steal the blog. Don't put up with that excuse for a deerhound getting all the limelight from a proper dog, ie a whippety.
Mom has told me we are coming to see you to escape the fireworks and I'm so excited I ran round and round and round and round.Paddy didn't. He just put his ears up when mom said "aunty Carol" so I think he might have some idea.I hope I can meet all those other scaredy dogs and laff coz I am NOT scared of anything.
Except Andy's lurchers.
I like having mom at home she tells me she's on a panel of some sort coz her knees are falling apart. She also said your mom is still on a panel coz of a spade. Do you like having your mom there?
Can't wait for November now and mom is all excited too!!!
Gracie girliexxxxxxx
Helo Gracie,
Mumy sed u ar comin down to sea us agin and we ar veri xited to.I sleaps mowstli wiv jason so i downt care to much that mumys hoam. Dady taks us four a dogrun in the mawning and i cum bac al wet so i am not alowed in mumys bed then so i hav to go in jasons insted. wunce i hav dryed miself on jasons shets i can go in wiv mumy then.
lok forword to seing u suwn.
Luce x
Hello lovely Luce
Glad to see that you highjacked Waj's blog and hope you're keeping yourself in mischief (but safely); the run along the roof may have been fun, but it could have ended in tears....
Tell your Mum I don't think I left any pink things behind, but we will give her a call anyway, we just want to be sure that Kai's letter to his Aunty Beryl arrived.
I don't mind that you unpacked my carrier bag tidy and your Mum needn't worry about washing it. (We need to send some money for that).
Anyhow, love to you all; speak soon.
Aunty Gill x
Hi Lucylastic,
I think I might have to start school because I seem to be unable to spell properly, or perhaps you could teach me?
Will you ask your mom if she is interested in taking part in a study on breast cancer? My mommy sent your mommy a text about it. Your mom will have to have a blood test and fill in a huge questionaire. Let us know and mom will send off "aunty Carol" to them and they will write to your mom.
Gracie girliexxxxxxxxx
Hi Carol and all the gang, you are marvellous to take on the extra dogs from your friends misfortune, they are beautiful, the greyhound, whippets etc. good on ya girl, poor little luvs, we are going away for a few days after christmas, but if you need any help in January let me know, foster to give you a break, are you going to try and find homes for them????
Hi Auntie Christine,
Thanks for your offer but I think Mummy is going to keep them cos they aren't any bother. Tara is 10 and limps a lot and Phoebe has made a pal of Luce so we have double trouble now!
Waj x
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