A fight, two birthday's, a wedding and a funeral!
Firsty apologies to all you blog regulars for not keeping you up to date but there has been so much happenin' 'ere, (sorry Troy) that it will take me some time to get you's all up to date. Firstly the SCRAP! On the morning that the delectable Pharoah and the gorgeous Grace were leaving ie 13/5/06, Mum is sitting out in the garden and Beryl is playing with a toy in close proximaty to Lucy and the next thing is Kish decides she wants it. Well, Bear having just been in season and Kish coming into season it was a bit of a fraught time for the girls as well as yours truly. Mummy keeps on about having my gonads off (whatever they are) but Dad won't let her until I'm a bit more mature and fully grown 'cos deerhounds don't mature until after two, so I'm told!
Anyway, I digress, next thing the two bitches are in heated combat and very fierce it was too. Mum being wise to the old dogfight declined to use her hands to seperate them (very wise I say!) so resorted to using the right foot, I think she shoud be playing for England! The long and the short of it being, Bear made Kish back off, but Kish didn't sustain any damage being a really thickly furred beast and poor Bear ended up in the vets ( luckily on Saturday morning, so no out of hours charges!) with a GA (I think that means general anaesthethic) stiches in her leg which had been bitten through to the bone and a hefty £198 vet bill! I hear the beastly beasts have had a bit of a falling out but I assume it wasn't over top bitch position which ours was! No offence Monty! Didn't keep her off her feet for long though, about a week and she was back on the dogrun.
Then we have had birthdays! Jason was 21 on Friday 26th May so they very inconsiderately had a large party down the Stable Bar where he works. However we did have some nice ham out of it the next day, not the same as lasagne though. As ALL the family were down, Mummy cooked breakfast for 14 the morning after the party, good going with someone with a hangover! They then cooked Sat and Sunday so we had lots of remnants and then it was Dad's birthday on Tuesday so we had a barbeque and met the new visitors Phyllis, Mo and Pat who have five lovely whippets (I see them out the window but haven't met them) and Dave and Wendy and their boys who bought their greyhound Katrina round to the barbeque and very beautiful she was too.
Anyway, apparently Mum and Dad have to go away the weekend as Dad's best mate is getting married on Saturday and Dad's auntie (who was 97) died the night after Jason's birthday so the funeral is on Monday in North Wales. So as you can see after all this activity I haven't had a chance to put paw to keybooard!!
Still haven't told you about Madam's visit ( sounds like something off a sex chatline!) in fact her name is Lady-Belle and she is Hestia's sister. Will tell you all in my next missive as it's time for the evening dogrun.
Have some funny sleeping positions for Luce when I can get Mum to upload the photo's, she is soooo slow! Will post some photo's soon.
Trying to keep GOOD for the weekend alone with Jason, heee heee heee.............
Waj x
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