Car stories.
Hi all,
Well, where did that last fortnight go? Let me see, on the last entry we were just about to have a barbeque and very pleasant it was too. I actually joined in this time and met the visitors from that week who came with their Mum and Dad, Gareth and Kate Here they are, Mr. Mac and Sophie relaxing on the sofa!
Mr. Mac
and Sophie
We also met Liz and Patrick who had three lovely collies, makes a change to see other hairy beasts after all the pointy dogs! Must tell you this story from last week though, I was out in the farmyard minding my own business, when Kate comes out of Swallow's Dance to speak to me. Well as you know, I am going through a non sociable stage of life, so instead of letting her make a fuss of me I legged it towards the farmhouse and into the nearest enclosed space which happened to be Liz and Patrick's car. They had the doors open as they were just going out! Much merriment followed at my expense I might add, and I ended up having to say hello to Kate anyway!
Talking about relaxing on the sofa how's this for a roach position by the hairy Bear?
That's just reminded me when I mentioned the car, about a story Mum told me about my predesessor Wally. Apparently a few years ago Mum and Dad were having some land cleared by a JCB and uncle Wally being an outdoor sort of dog had been running round a very muddy farmyard. The wife of the JCB driver arrives to speak to him about something, gets out of the car and leaves the door open. You can guess what's coming! Wally jumps in on the drivers side and then hops over into the back seat and sits there waiting to be taken to the beach, leaving a trail of mud in his wake! If you think that was funny the best bit is to come, it wasn't actually her car, she had picked it up in pristine condition from the local garage to take out on a test drive as they were thinking of buying it. Oh dear! (Hee, hee, hee, he was a right character Uncle Wal!).
Finally as we haven't had one for a while, a picture of moi having dinner. As you can see it is usually a very relaxed affair and sometimes I can't even be bothered to stand up for it!
Anyway, must be off as it's nearly time for the morning dogrun.
Waj x
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