Monday, July 31, 2006


Hi folks,

Well, barbeque weather is well and truly here and we seem to be having one weekly at the moment. Last week we had Alan, Carole and family and Kerry, David and family, members of Greyhound Gap. You will probably have heard me mention the Gappers before and if you are interested in greyhound chat (or any sighthounds for that matter) their website is at

Anyway our main guest at last weeks barbi was Mabel and here she is reclining on the sofa with Luce.

As I said she bought her humans Kerry and David and lots of food (and drink) was shared by all! For those of you who like doggie pic's here's the rest of Mabel's family.

"Libby of the Sandcastle"..........................this is soooooo funny!

"Sacha of the Pink Harness"

And Larry also known as "Grumpy Knickers" (can't think why mate, know how you feel surrounded by women all the time!).

Many fawning apologies to Kerry for pinching all her photo's off photobucket! Mum says if you are going to sue for copyright can you wait till she's had her op!

OK folks, onto the Lucy story of the week. Picture the scene. Kerry and co are making their way into the hot tub for a nice long leisurely soak with a beer or two. Mum (or Dad) (both will probably blame each other), has left the garden gate open so Lucy can mingle with those using the hot tub. She wanders in makes a big fuss of everyone, then wanders back into the garden. A few minutes later Kerry says "oh look Lucy's playing with a flip flop" there she was too, tossing it in the air running up and down with it. Everyone was enjoying her antic's in the garden. At this point it is funny as Kerry is a regular reader of the blog and knows Kish and I have a penchant for flip flop redesigning. She also knows we are in the throes of teaching Luce as she is a good thief and several pairs have been "redesigned" over the last few months.

Suddenly the flip flop drops to the floor in between tosses and Kerry suddenly realises that its HER flip flop" and indeed it is. David, at this time, legs it out of the jacuzzi dripping wet and chases Lucy round the garden trying to obtain the offending article. When he does manage to catch up with her and extract it from the jaws of doom, she had the audacity to bark at him and tell him off for spoiling her fun! She's got a nerve that madam, I've have legged it and hidden in the bedroom!

Anyway, she didn't have a chance to do MUCH damage I believe. Just before we go we'll have a couple more shots taken on barbeque night.

Kish awaiting a vacant chair at the dinner table!

and finally one of the little star herself trying to get round Dave for a sausage!

That's all the news for now, will be back soon with some pictures of wanton destruction-yes you've guessed it Luce style.

Speak soon, Waj x


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