Table manners and birthdays
Gosh has it really been two weeks since the last blog? Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun! There’s no doubt that we have had a good time the last fortnight. Firstly Auntie Corrine came to stay and bought us some luuurrvely tripe sticks. They were in Lucy’s words, lursh! So thank you Auntie Corrine and Uncle Colin. We also had Rachel and her family staying at the same time, so we had an “at home” on the Tuesday.
At some point during the evening Mummy remembered that she hadn’t put Emily (the donkey) in for the night and also hadn’t fed her, So Dad and Kristen (Rachel’s partner) go off in the dark with the spot lamp to fetch the donkey in. At this point I decided to show everyone else my party trick. Da da!! Drum roll please………….............................

Just getting my balance you understand. Whoops, mind the plates..........
What do you think of the table ornament then?

I had to mention that Dad had left the room, otherwise you understand I would never have got onto the chair and attempted to get myself on the table in the first place, as he wouldn’t have let me! Mum on the other hand, being a bit more laid back (especially after a few glasses of wine!) just lets me strut my stuff. The only problem was, how was I going to get off? It’s all very well getting the impetus (hey that’s a good word for a Monday!) to hoist myself up, but a different matter launching 61/2 stone of dog onto a small chair that is likely to shoot across the floor at any time! Anyway after some deliberation, I managed it on my own much to the delight of the watching crowd.
Then to the birthday week, what can I say? Mum has obviously lost her marbles after being at home for seven weeks! What I think happened, was that she thought Saturday was the 29th September, so worked out that her birthday (which was on the 4th October) should be on the Thursday. This being the case, she arranged to go to lunch with her friend Thursday and down to the pub that night. Uncle Andy had to change his day off to Thursday as that’s when they were all going out and Mum asked our visitors Christine and Gary (who came with their lovely lurchers Leo and Gina) and Pete and Liz, who came with the Dalmatian crew, (talk about spots before the eyes!) Here’s Christine and Gary with Leo and Gina…………………………….
(Mum says sorry it's not a very good photo, but she couldn't see 'cos after having a week of showers, she couldn't see on the Saturday as it was too sunny! Always happens on the last day!)
Anyway, back to the story. Can you see the pattern emerging now? When she realised her birthday was Wednesday not Thursday, the pub visit was changed to Wednesday and the party left for Thursday night, as by now Uncle Andy couldn’t change his day off! Then her work colleagues phoned and asked if she wanted to go to lunch Tuesday, so in the end she had a three day birthday! Lunch out Tuesday, Stable Bar Wednesday, lunch out Thursday, cooked Thursday night and it was lasagne “Yippee” so some left for me!
I must now mention the Lucy disaster of the week. Firstly you should know that Dad keeps a large plastic bottle of water next to his bed, in case he gets thirsty in the night. Picture the scene now, it is about 6.45 pm on the Thursday and our party guests due to arrive at 7.15. Dad has had to go to the local Spar to get beer, as although Mum has been to Tesco’s for the food and HER wine, she has forgotten to bring Dad’s beer! Not a good move!
He runs upstairs to change and discovers that Lucy has chewed the water bottle on the bed and it has soaked through the duvet, into the mattress and through there into the divan base. There then follows a string of invectives that I cannot repeat as I have a family audience! Duvet has to be stripped and a fan heater set up in the bedroom to try and dry the mattress and base before bed time! Oh dear, never mind. This is Luce at her naughty best!
Who me? Cushion, what cushion?
Oh, that cushion!
I think that's all the news for now, Mum says thanks for all her cards and prezzies.
Speak soon, Waj x
Put my comment in the wrong place - silly me - Don't know how to move it, but that's Dalmatians for you!!!
TaTa 4 now
Hi Ginny, where did you want to put it? I can get Mum to move it. Loved all you spotty dogs do you do that game joining the spots when you're bored :-)
Waj x
You were the best table top dancer ever Waljin. Just missing your garter for "donations" :) Can we have maybe tap shoes next time ;)
Cant wait to share the table with you again. xxx
Hello Waj,
I just have to say Lucy looks even more like me now she's growed up a bit. She is very lucky to be nearly as pretty as me.
Gracie Girliexxxxxxxxxxxx
Had a peep - can't find my comment at all now - we haven't tried joining up the spots YET - maybe a new game for Xmas party time at Dog Club -----
Ginny Spot
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