I az bean norty
I az bean norty, I az bean veri norty, I wuz in diskrace and I wuz woonded! Let me xplane. We, owr dog pak that iz, has a cat. This iz owr cat wit mi and Anty Bear.

But…… ther iz anuther cat………a ferrill cat ….”thegraycatwotlifsindewindow”. Mumy feads dis cat on the windowcil, but it iz not alowd in the hows az Anty Faith Whippet duz not lik ani catz apart frum owrz. Aniwaz, abowt too weaks ago Anty Faith cawt the cat in the gardin and we bowf had a restel wiv it. I ad the end wiv al the teef and too setz of clause and she ad the uver end. Mumy showtid at uz veri lowdly and maid uz dwop it. I then ad to go to the V.E.T cos I got bitted veri badli and had to hav an injecshun as mi leg swolled up. It all so maid mi nose blead!
Wen I got hoam, mumy sed I musnt go on the dogrun dat aftinoon az I wuz limpin. Wen Jason went, I wuz veri upset and twied to squeez frew bitwean the gait and the gait powst and got mi hed stuk! Mumy com to let mi owt and sed I wuz veri silly but she wud taik mi dowen to the pond four a littel wark. Bi then the injecshun ad wurked and so ad the paynkila and wen she opined the gait, I legd it afta Jason hoo ad left 10 minits befawr and I cawt him up at the botim of the valli! So I wuz in twoubel four dat too! I iz betta now thowe.
I supoze you al wantz to now about the cat? Well, Mumy dident sea it for sum tyme so she thawt it wuz ded, but it cam bak dis mawnin lukin for food! Isnt dat gud newz Anty Sue? Anty Faith doesint fink so! It iz now theluckigraycatwotlifsindewindow!
Beter go befowr Waj catchis mi on the blog agin.
Sea youz al suwn,
Luce x

But…… ther iz anuther cat………a ferrill cat ….”thegraycatwotlifsindewindow”. Mumy feads dis cat on the windowcil, but it iz not alowd in the hows az Anty Faith Whippet duz not lik ani catz apart frum owrz. Aniwaz, abowt too weaks ago Anty Faith cawt the cat in the gardin and we bowf had a restel wiv it. I ad the end wiv al the teef and too setz of clause and she ad the uver end. Mumy showtid at uz veri lowdly and maid uz dwop it. I then ad to go to the V.E.T cos I got bitted veri badli and had to hav an injecshun as mi leg swolled up. It all so maid mi nose blead!
Wen I got hoam, mumy sed I musnt go on the dogrun dat aftinoon az I wuz limpin. Wen Jason went, I wuz veri upset and twied to squeez frew bitwean the gait and the gait powst and got mi hed stuk! Mumy com to let mi owt and sed I wuz veri silly but she wud taik mi dowen to the pond four a littel wark. Bi then the injecshun ad wurked and so ad the paynkila and wen she opined the gait, I legd it afta Jason hoo ad left 10 minits befawr and I cawt him up at the botim of the valli! So I wuz in twoubel four dat too! I iz betta now thowe.
I supoze you al wantz to now about the cat? Well, Mumy dident sea it for sum tyme so she thawt it wuz ded, but it cam bak dis mawnin lukin for food! Isnt dat gud newz Anty Sue? Anty Faith doesint fink so! It iz now theluckigraycatwotlifsindewindow!
Beter go befowr Waj catchis mi on the blog agin.
Sea youz al suwn,
Luce x
Hi cousin,
My mom is pleased to hear the cat survived and so did you, cats are not nice to fight with you know.
My mom had a great time in your caravan and me and my daddy and Paddy enjoyed ourselves very much too. (My mom has sent your mom a email coz she wants a recipe (for lamb not cat stew)
My mom didn't get Paul and Sue's email, does your mom have it coz I want to show them my friend Barney.
I think you are good fun and I like these naughty things you do.
Amy's rabbit has had at least 5 babies so we can soon have sport........
Gracie girliexxxxxxxx
Drat that whippet on my blog AGAIN! Hi Gracie, Mum says she will email you with Paul and Sue's address and also the lamb and feta recipe.
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