Awards night.
Hi folks,
Here they are having fun on the carousel, thay also went on the dodgems and the waltzer! Big kids!
Mum and Dad looking smart for a change!
Mum and Andy, don't know why he's balancing on one leg, he looks like a heron!
Anyway, Mum wanted me to say a big thank you to all those who wrote in on our behalf, those who starred in the short film and those that gave up their time to stay in when the judges came round and of course all our visitors who support us year after year! Thank you all!!!!
Well, the awards night came and went and they didn't win! Never mind, apparently they had a good night anyway. Here's a few of the photo's!
From left to right (for those new blog readers!). Jason, Andy (Dad's uncle), Mum (the hobbit in the group!), Janet (Dad's sister), Barbara Dad's mum, and finally Dad, looking very serious I might add! This was apparently taken before the awards were announced and I think he was a tad nervous!
Waj x
Might not have won the human awards, but Swallows Dance gets my award as "The Best Place To Be That's Not Home"
Hi Monty,
Nice of you to say that, hope your poorly leg is feeling better! look forward to seeing you in April for your Mum's birfday.
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