Daddy's in the Doghowse!
Helo Faith here,
I know I have not posted before, but I have to tell you that Daddy has been in the doghowse, as he did a really norty thing to me on Saturdiy night! He and Mum went to a party at Auntie Caroline and Uncle Paul's and had lots of alcy frol. Mum went straight to bed when she got in and Dad did the nightime dogrun.
All of us go on the nightime dogrun as we hav to wee before bedtime. Sometimes I dawdle a bit because of all the luverly smells that are about at that time of night, so I was a bit slow in gettin back to the gate. When I got back, he had let all the uvver dogs in, forgot I wuz still out and shut me outside the gate in the yard!
In fact, I got leftid out all night and Mummy wuz very VERY cross wiv him in the morning as I was all cold and wet and shiverin! I had to spend hours in the bed warming up and bein hand fed my breakfast. (I actually spent most of the night in the new cottage what is bein built, but I didn't tell them that! Just need them to make them feel guilty!). So really I wasn't THAT cold, but it wuz gale force winds, rain and hail all night. I was a bit stiff from standin outside the gate first thing in the mornin, but I iz feelin better now and don't fink that will EVER happen agin as Mummy is STILL cross 5 days later!
Also I wanted to say Fank you as I have a secret Santa on Greyhound Gap who has sent me and Poppy a present but Mummy haz put it away for Christmas. I am soo hexcited it haz almost made up for bein out all Saturdiy night!
Luff from Faith x
I know I have not posted before, but I have to tell you that Daddy has been in the doghowse, as he did a really norty thing to me on Saturdiy night! He and Mum went to a party at Auntie Caroline and Uncle Paul's and had lots of alcy frol. Mum went straight to bed when she got in and Dad did the nightime dogrun.
All of us go on the nightime dogrun as we hav to wee before bedtime. Sometimes I dawdle a bit because of all the luverly smells that are about at that time of night, so I was a bit slow in gettin back to the gate. When I got back, he had let all the uvver dogs in, forgot I wuz still out and shut me outside the gate in the yard!
In fact, I got leftid out all night and Mummy wuz very VERY cross wiv him in the morning as I was all cold and wet and shiverin! I had to spend hours in the bed warming up and bein hand fed my breakfast. (I actually spent most of the night in the new cottage what is bein built, but I didn't tell them that! Just need them to make them feel guilty!). So really I wasn't THAT cold, but it wuz gale force winds, rain and hail all night. I was a bit stiff from standin outside the gate first thing in the mornin, but I iz feelin better now and don't fink that will EVER happen agin as Mummy is STILL cross 5 days later!
Also I wanted to say Fank you as I have a secret Santa on Greyhound Gap who has sent me and Poppy a present but Mummy haz put it away for Christmas. I am soo hexcited it haz almost made up for bein out all Saturdiy night!
Luff from Faith x
Well, nothing Dad can do will ever compensate for such a cruel act! Your granddaughters, Ellie & Poppy promise to attempt one of their famous wipeouts on him next time they visit. They did a brill job on their mum yesterday and almost broke her elbow, when they knocked her off her feet whilst she'd got them out running. trev beware - wild whippets revenge!
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