Faith's Holidaze!
Hello, Faith here agin, I haz been on hoilidaze! This iz how it happened. For a start there was no one in eiver of the holiday cottiges from Saturday 15th to Saturdiy 22nd December. Mum wanted Dad to go to Centreparcs, but he wuz too busy wiv the new cottige. So, she happened to mention this to Antie Chris Mawr (who bort Luce her squirrel bandana) when they were emailing each uvver. Chris said she wuz going to a place called Sennen Cove in Cornwall wiv her son Rudy, friend Chuf (they tells me that's a nickname!) and would Mum like to go wiv them as they had a spare bedroom. Well Mum has not been on holidaze wiv any of the dogs for some years, so decided she would take me to meet up wiv my grandchildren, Ellie and Poppy. Now I hav not been a long distance in the car for a long time and Jason took us up as far as Bristol in his Subaru and Chuf met Mum at Gordano and we went the rest of the way in his car. Unfortuately I threw up in the back of Jason's car, and then later threw up in the back of Chuf's car. Luckily I threw up on me blankit and it was only a hire car anyways. So if you're hiring a car from the Doncaster area waznt me!
Little lurcher Alfie who is only seven months old...................
William the eldest, he is 14 1/2 and once broke his neck, hard to believe now as he walked just as far as the rest of us!
Here they are all together..................................
We went to the beach and I did a bit of sunbathing.
Alfie dug a nole....................................................
I pretended to be in Colditz..................................
We all loved the beach.......................................
I went to the pub with Alfie...................................
We had some nice food there...............................
I slept in a different bed.............................
We went on the coast path..................................
We saw some nise views....................................
and an old shipwreck.......................................
then we wuz nearly there...................................
we ran out of land!
then we got to the end of the World!!!!

we found the last howse in de World........................
Good job I had me coat on cuz it wuz a bit chilly. Anyways we came back on Satiday and we wood like to fank Antie Chris, Rudy and Chuf for a brill holidaze.
Anyways, once we got there I felt better, then I met my new pack for the week.
This is Logan hiding his face and Ellie my granddaughter on top.
Pippin and my other granddaughter Poppy on top, doesn't she look so much like Hestia?

I also want to fank Antie Ali who I haz never met but she was my secrit Santa on Greyhound Gap and Poppy and I had a luvverly bandana wiv our names on, a chewy and a toy each. Here's my bandana..................

Izn't it great? Waljan, Kish,Lucy, Phobe and Beryl would also like to thank their Secret Santa's Marcelle and family (Yummy on Gap) and Jen (JDG on Gap) and also Lucy's still anonymus Secret Santa as ther wuz no card in the parcil! Thank you all. That enuf for now better let Waj have hiz blog back.
Luff from the muchly travilled Faith x
Good job you stopped when you got to the end of the World!!
Hope you all had a nice Christmas and have a Happy New Year - from all The Beastly Beasts
Fank you Kai, we wood like to wish a Happy New Year to you all and your hoomans too!
By the way Antie Bear says Hi! Luff Faith x
whippet heaven!
happy new year
Happy new Year to you too Manta, Daisy and Muffin, (not forgetting your hoomans!)
Luff Faith x
Hello cusin Faith,
Well I writ to you but it didn't work so I fink that must be Maffew's fault.
I had said hope you had a good chrissmas an new year, we went to mommy and daddy's friends. They have 2 doggies but they are my friends and i don't bite them.Gracee was frit and had her big eyes on all nite but I went to sleep. It is Gracees birfday today and she is 6.
We enjoyed our hols at dumpledale and mom and dad did too and we want to come again.Soon.
Is Logan related to me and you because he looks like me very much expeshally when I put me foot over me nose to ave a kip.
Love from cusin Paddyxxxxxxxxx
Hello Paddy, Happy birfday to Gracie and Happy New Year to you and your hoomans!
Logan is probably related to you 'cos he's related to me and az you iz related to me we must be all couzins!
Glad you ad a gud X mas, we hav another house to rent this year as anty Jan want's to holiday rent her new howse in Port Lion, it's very nice too..
Aniways, catch you later.
Luff Faith xxx
I fort he wuz an andsome chappie like me.
We would like to come and stay at aunty Jan's so my mommy will email your mommy and send some fotos of me an Lucy an Grace an Lucy an phoebe, as my fick mom can't put them on hear.
Cusin Paddyxxxxxxxx
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