Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th and cats!

Hi all, here I am again on Friday the 13th, oooo, errrr!

Apparently Mum says some people think it can be an unlucky day, (as if you really believe that!). I think that the unluckiest I am going to be is when I go out for my walk this afternoon and as it's raining I will get wet and my coat will go curly! Oh no, just thought the worst nightmare what if they've run out of food? That would certainly be unlucky for me!

Anyway, guess where I went last week? Auntie Lisa from the GAP asked Mummy to do a home check visit locally for a puppy they are homing. As the little chap was a deerhound cross, I thought it was only reasonable to go with them and show the prospective parents how big he might end up! Kirsten and Mike were very nice and thought I was very handsome. Mike even got down on the floor with me and gave me a fuss so I did him my speciality for him, a quick ear wash out! Apparently the new pup will be arriving there Sunday, so I will look forward to meeting him!

They did have some strange cats though, well I thought so (not having come across many as yet!). One was giving me an eyeball to eyeball stare out in the kitchen, the other stayed upstairs and glared at me through the bannisters. Weird things! But, at least OUR cat doesn't mind me nosing her!

Talking about cats, when I first arrived I thought ours was a strange shaped dog, but according to Faith (the cat expert!)they are all different. Ours comes out with our pack for a walk (just like a dog) and pounces on poor Poppy (the JRT). She can't do that to me, 'cos I'm too big and was luckily too big to jump on even as a puppy! All our pack know we are not allowed to chase our cat, in fact, we know we are not meant to chase ANY cat, but Faith and a couple of the others pretend deafness when they see one. Apparently it's called "selective hearing". She banged her eye on a tree last time she chased one and was grounded for three days! I can't be bothered myself as I'm not built for sprinting!

Well, it's nearly time for our wet afternoon walk, speak soon, Waj x


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