Bears says "fanks" and Jason the racing driver!
Hi All,
Firstly Bear would like to say "Fank you" to all who sent emails and texts to see how she was doing. I am glad to report that the op went well, her x rays were clear so the nasty bits on one side were removed. This was how it looked when she came home. The rubbery thing sticking out is apparently called a drain to let all the gunky bits out. As it happens, it all healed up well.
Unfortunately, she has got to go back and have the other side done as apparently they can only do one mammary strip at a time.
All in all, they said it was a good day out and looks like he'll be taking part again shortly.
Firstly Bear would like to say "Fank you" to all who sent emails and texts to see how she was doing. I am glad to report that the op went well, her x rays were clear so the nasty bits on one side were removed. This was how it looked when she came home. The rubbery thing sticking out is apparently called a drain to let all the gunky bits out. As it happens, it all healed up well.

Latest news on the new cottage is that all bathrooms and floors are now done. Waste system is in and that was a palaver I can tell you! Dad had to dig the whole roadway up, while making a trench over to the horses field at the front. It rained, there was mud everywhere and then he had to leave it open four days until the building inspector could get down to inspect it! We dogs just leap frogged the trench, but Uncle Andy was faffing about the horses falling down it, surely they wouldn't be that stupid? They've got eyes haven't they? Just to be on the safe side, they cordoned off the holes, but no one fell down it and it's all filled in now! Work is progressing on the garden which at the moment is quite open plan! The fence is due to be finished off next week along with the patio area.
Bit of news on the Jason front for you, he took part in the Llys y Fran hill climb a few weeks ago in his Subaru. For the uninitiated of you, basically it's a race against the clock from one point in the park, round some squiggly bends, across a bridge, and up the hill to the finish. The winner is the one with the fastest time, with the various categories of car. Mum and Dad went to watch with some trepidation, as this car is Jason's main form of transport and if he mangled it he wouldn't be insured! Luckily he managed to keep it in one piece and did a practice time of 55 seconds which apparently was pretty good. Here's a few pictures of the boy racer and his car!
In the pits...............
Looking pleased with himself..............................
Well I think that wraps it up for today, Mum and Dad are back over the cottage, so I think I'll have a lay out in the sun as it's a nice day.
Catch you later, Waj x
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