Belated birfday blog
Hi folks, Waj here again, dash it, that whippets spelling gets worse every day!
Well, I missed doing my birthday blog on my birthday as we had a party instead, but, I did have a good, well, two birthdays actually! Mum originally thought my birthday was the 25th of April, but on my vaccination card it says the 27th, so what's a fellow to do but to celebrate twice! As it happens, my first birthday was shared by one of our visitors, John. I was two, and John and I had a birthday cake between us with two candles on, he looked a bit older than that mind, but I let him blow the candles out anyway!
We have had lots of visitors since my last blog and have had some people from a dog rescue and chat site called the Refuge, Mum says they are called Fugees, strange name if you ask me! One of the ladies who is called Stephanees (I think that's what they called her) took some luurverly photos of us and here's a really nice one of me, just after I had finished counter surfing the table for any stray food!
What do you think then, I see I left a couple of crumbs! She also took some nice shots of Andy's dogs which I will post next time, we haven't had a proper photo of Rocket yet!
We also had some SOL people too, that's sighthounds on line to those uninitiated if you want to take a look. Mum has just given them a week in the caravan to auction, to raise money to help dogs who are not as well off as we are. So, off you go folks and place your bids, there's bound to be lots to choose from!
Better shoot off now and have a doze until the main dogrun.
Catch you later, Waj x
Well, I missed doing my birthday blog on my birthday as we had a party instead, but, I did have a good, well, two birthdays actually! Mum originally thought my birthday was the 25th of April, but on my vaccination card it says the 27th, so what's a fellow to do but to celebrate twice! As it happens, my first birthday was shared by one of our visitors, John. I was two, and John and I had a birthday cake between us with two candles on, he looked a bit older than that mind, but I let him blow the candles out anyway!
We have had lots of visitors since my last blog and have had some people from a dog rescue and chat site called the Refuge, Mum says they are called Fugees, strange name if you ask me! One of the ladies who is called Stephanees (I think that's what they called her) took some luurverly photos of us and here's a really nice one of me, just after I had finished counter surfing the table for any stray food!

We also had some SOL people too, that's sighthounds on line to those uninitiated if you want to take a look. Mum has just given them a week in the caravan to auction, to raise money to help dogs who are not as well off as we are. So, off you go folks and place your bids, there's bound to be lots to choose from!
Better shoot off now and have a doze until the main dogrun.
Catch you later, Waj x