Waj haz a trym and de three Lucy's!
'Ello Luce ear,
This is Bird who is blynd. .
Hear is Gyp havin a swim.
This is Molly at de frunt and Boo behind playin in de see.
Hear is Waj havin is trym. dont fink he wanted to luk!
Down't luk veri impresed does he?
Anty Karen and he luks loike they fell owt in dis one! Heee, hee.................
Waj iz sulkin at de mowment as he had iz fur cliped by Anty Karen oo cam dowen to stai in Swallow's Danze wiv her dogs Edie and Bird and Jo's dogiz Boo and Gyp. Karen is Bonniebird on the Refhuge and Joe is Boosboss.They allso bowrt anova dog, Molly, wiv them as a treet. Hear ar sum pikturs of Waj's trimm and owr dogi gests. We allso ad sum coleze in Dumpledale and a novi scoshi duck tolin reetreever, I fink dats how yoo spel it, wiv there Mum and Dad, Jane and Rob.
Hear is Edie. She is an inglish toy terror. I fink thas wot Mum said.

We all ad a barbee q on de satiday nite, then on sundi Mumi waz veri poowerly and had dire ear four four dayze (nofin too do wiv de barbee q I mite add as everi one els wuz ok)! As she wuz off wurk, we hellped her to get beter by lieing on the bed and keepin her warme, even tho she had a tempurature. Us nursin staf tuk owr dutize veri seeriusli and tuk it in shiffts to git on de bedd, useulee five at a tyme, but Waj allwais taks up too plaices so sumtims there wuz onli rume four four! By frydai she wuz betta so they went too de pub four dinna, here they are.

I az also bean woonded, Feebs and I wer play fite ing agin and I got bitted cos she wuz too ruff wiv mee. Oh woe me poowerely side! Anty Jane, Waj sais sorri he culdnt put de collee pikturs in de blog as Mumi aksidently delited them, if yoo culd send them agin, Waj wil put dem on again.
Last weak we ad three Lucy whipets! Karen, Stewart and Charlotte bowrt there Lucy and her fwends and Becki who iz Palm on Gap bowrt there Lucy and her fwend Paddy. We missd de first Lucy az she ad to go earli but hear are piktures of de other lucy's.