April came and went!
Well, there was April come and gone! Apologies to all you folks out there who have eagerly been awaiting my next missive. Truth is Mum and Dad spend all their spare time over in that dratted new cottage and forget to put the computer on for me. How selfish is that? I'll be glad when they finish it and I suspect they will be glad when they finish it too! Did you have any snow? We didn't have much, but there was a bit on the Preseli Mountains, here's a photo of our place with the snowy mountains in the background, very artistic don't you think?

Amongst our visitors we welcomed the Beastly Beasts and their humans Gill and Chris they wrote about their holiday here on Beastblog http://thebeastlybeasts.co.uk/beastblog/index.php You may have to scroll down a bit as it was back in April now!
Sophie, who came from the same kennel as our Phoebe and who is also Zara's half sister, came down in April with her pack and their humans, Dave and Fee. We also had lots of birthdays and other celebrations! Kishka's birthday was on 2nd April and she was five, Aunty Gill from the Beastly Beasts also had her birthday here that was on the 24th April, but I'm not allowed to say how old she was! More importantly , it was MY birthday on 27th April and I was three! It was also Mum and Dad's wedding anniversary on 30th April, they did what they do every year and that's go to the Greek Restaurant in Tenby, here they are enjoying the squid and the Keo beer!

Dad with his Keo!

Talking about Keo, we have a regular visitor at the moment called Keo. She comes down most days with her Dad, Stuart, who is helping with the building of the new cottage. She got right under my feet at first, but now I think she's OK. Lucy's not looking too convinced though, but she does play with her sometimes!
Lucy not looking convinced........

Keo, she's a Jack Russell........

Jason also bought his friends dog over to go for a walk with us, she is a Malamute called China, what do you think? Certainly matches the carpet!

Now some time ago, Mum sent away for a thing called an Anderson indoor kennel. They are available on Ebay and are meant for little lurchery and whippety types, here's Lucy inside as is supposed to be.

As Poppy, Faith and the cat had already spent some time in it, Kish decided that what was good for the whippets was good for her too. She dives into this igloo shaped kennel, the sides bulging all over the place as she attempts to turn round in it. It then overbalances as she puts all her weight down one side and rolls right over twice! She then manages to poke her head out and voila! It doesn't quite fit, but at least no one else can get into it!

We have had plenty of activity in May too, but will catch you all up with that shortly. Finally a few good wishes to Bear as she has developed some lumps in her mammary glands and is going to the vets on Monday. She is going to have a chest x ray to make sure there are no other lumps elsewhere, and if all is OK, she is going to have her ladies bits out and take the nasty lumps away. So from all of us here, good luck Bear and hope all goes well Monday.
Here's Bear..............

Must shoot off now as it's time for tea, catch you all later.
Waj x
Amongst our visitors we welcomed the Beastly Beasts and their humans Gill and Chris they wrote about their holiday here on Beastblog http://thebeastlybeasts.co.uk/beastblog/index.php You may have to scroll down a bit as it was back in April now!
Sophie, who came from the same kennel as our Phoebe and who is also Zara's half sister, came down in April with her pack and their humans, Dave and Fee. We also had lots of birthdays and other celebrations! Kishka's birthday was on 2nd April and she was five, Aunty Gill from the Beastly Beasts also had her birthday here that was on the 24th April, but I'm not allowed to say how old she was! More importantly , it was MY birthday on 27th April and I was three! It was also Mum and Dad's wedding anniversary on 30th April, they did what they do every year and that's go to the Greek Restaurant in Tenby, here they are enjoying the squid and the Keo beer!
Dad with his Keo!
Talking about Keo, we have a regular visitor at the moment called Keo. She comes down most days with her Dad, Stuart, who is helping with the building of the new cottage. She got right under my feet at first, but now I think she's OK. Lucy's not looking too convinced though, but she does play with her sometimes!
Lucy not looking convinced........
Keo, she's a Jack Russell........
Jason also bought his friends dog over to go for a walk with us, she is a Malamute called China, what do you think? Certainly matches the carpet!
Now some time ago, Mum sent away for a thing called an Anderson indoor kennel. They are available on Ebay and are meant for little lurchery and whippety types, here's Lucy inside as is supposed to be.

As Poppy, Faith and the cat had already spent some time in it, Kish decided that what was good for the whippets was good for her too. She dives into this igloo shaped kennel, the sides bulging all over the place as she attempts to turn round in it. It then overbalances as she puts all her weight down one side and rolls right over twice! She then manages to poke her head out and voila! It doesn't quite fit, but at least no one else can get into it!
We have had plenty of activity in May too, but will catch you all up with that shortly. Finally a few good wishes to Bear as she has developed some lumps in her mammary glands and is going to the vets on Monday. She is going to have a chest x ray to make sure there are no other lumps elsewhere, and if all is OK, she is going to have her ladies bits out and take the nasty lumps away. So from all of us here, good luck Bear and hope all goes well Monday.
Here's Bear..............
Must shoot off now as it's time for tea, catch you all later.
Waj x