Feebee fings!
Allo, Feebs here. I knows I haven't blogged before, but I az been findin my feet as it were since I moved here to me new home. I az been here nearly two years now and I must say I am a lot happyer than when I wuz livin in a kennel. As sum of you know, I first lived in a pound in Eireland and when I wuz about six munfs old, I came to live in sum kennels in Wales. I wuz supposed to be found a home, but I wuz there for over a year. I loiked the lady that looked after me, but I didn't loike the kennels much, as I lived on my own and only had two runs a day so wuz on me own a lot of de time.
Dere were 16 uvver dogs in de kennels and when de lady took ill, we wuz all taken away to find new homes. I wuz very fritened to start wiv and dey had to carry me to de car and put me in a cage, when we got to dis place they carried me out in de cage and put me inside de house and left de door open for me come out when I wanted. I didn't come out for about two hours as I was still fritened but after a whoile I comes out and starts makin friends wiv de uvver dogs.
Now I luv's my new Mum and Dad too and since I came to de farm it az been a roight laff as we get to lie on de beds, chase bunnies in de fields and I got lotz of new doggie friends too. We also get toys and treats and I plays a lot wiv Luce and we opens fings loike these bin liners.................
Dad wuzn't very impressed, so I gave him my best "it wuzn't me" look.............................
So's to do somefink to impress him, Luce decided to do a bit of shreddin.....................
but soon gets worn out and drops off to sleep........................................
It's very tirin work you know.................................................
If I cover the face, no one will know it wuz me.....................................
Anyways, I fort I would write this week as Waj is goin to be off de line for a bit, as Uncle Andy says he is goin to be nuked tomorrow, I don't quite know what it means, but it is somefink to do wiv the V.E.T and losin his man bits. Poor Waj! I'm shure you'd all loike to wish him some get well soon forts and hope it isn't long before he's back on de line again.
We iz all very hexcited 'cos in the next two weeks we are havin lots of friends and family down az it is Mummy's 50th birfday, includin our friends the Beastly Beasts who Waj haz menshioned before. Will keep yous all posted and hopefully Waj will be back soon.
Dere were 16 uvver dogs in de kennels and when de lady took ill, we wuz all taken away to find new homes. I wuz very fritened to start wiv and dey had to carry me to de car and put me in a cage, when we got to dis place they carried me out in de cage and put me inside de house and left de door open for me come out when I wanted. I didn't come out for about two hours as I was still fritened but after a whoile I comes out and starts makin friends wiv de uvver dogs.
Now I luv's my new Mum and Dad too and since I came to de farm it az been a roight laff as we get to lie on de beds, chase bunnies in de fields and I got lotz of new doggie friends too. We also get toys and treats and I plays a lot wiv Luce and we opens fings loike these bin liners.................

I'm shure you'd all loike to hear de funny story of de week? Well somtimes when Mum gets home from de work she has a loie down on de bed and Luce and I snuggles up under de doovey wiv her. Now Faith comes to de uvver side of de bed and also want to get in, so Mum bein half asleep just lifts de doovey and Faith sloides in de uvver side. When she wakes up half an hour later, it is to find de whippet az the Channel de fox poo spashed on all over and she hadn't noticed when she let her under de doovey. Hee, hee..........

Luv from Feebee x