Mum and Dad's hols again!
Hi folks, thanks to all who enquired after Luce, the little baggage is back to normal and her "hye" is all better! As I mentioned last time Mum and Dad were going on holidays to Greece and we were again ably looked after by Jason and Carley. Mum said they had a great time 'cos she didn't have to get up every morning and walk the dogs! Cheek! They did a lot of swimming and snorkeling and saw some different things this year like a live starfish, a sea slug, (urgh sounds gross!) and a lobster. Anyway here are some photo's:
As is Kostas! He has only been at the Matina this year but has a good sense of humour too, he does the weekly quiz ......................
Here they are eating in the new restaurant at the Matina.......................
Another night they ate in a rooftop restaurant
Dad looking relaxed....................................
and Mum too!
They watched the sun set over the island.....................................
On the Monday they hired a car and went down to the very southernmost part of the island called Prasonisi. Here the Mediterranean sea meets the Aegean sea. If you look closely you can see the thin sandbank about 100ft across which separates the two seas, leading to the headland at the end. There you can jump into the Med, then walk across the bank of sand and hey presto you're in the Aegean!
This is Mum with Stergos who runs the bar and remembers everybody's name apparently! He speaks excellent English and is a lot of fun..........

They went in the Aegean first, there was no fish to be seen at all, it was cold, full of seaweed and you had to wade in for about 20ft before it was deep enough to even get submerged! Sooo, they skipped across the beach and went into the Med, it was at least two degrees warmer, full of fish and great for snorkeling! Isn't that strange?
Here they are on the beach with the hire car. Although it wasn't in yellow, it did have a yellow wheel cover! For those of you not in the know about yellow, Mum and Dad have three yellow vehicles! They're maaaad, or maybe just like yellow :-)!

Anyway, that's all the news for a bit, Beryl did have a birthday on September 29th when she was 13 years young! Happy birthday Bear ...........
Catch you all later, as we're off for the afternoon dogrun, an hour late due to the clocks going back, hope you all remembered!

Waj x