Welcome to Fey and Dyson Island!
Hiya Folks and welcome to me July blog,
It's been a bit long in coming as she's been here for 6 weeks now, so I guess she's staying! but for all you horsey lovers, please welcome Dad's new addition, Fey. Her passport name is Tempest Mothers Day, was previously called Day, but is now Fey and sometimes Faery Fey, we all have nick names as well as our real names! I think Dad fancies himself as Gandalf personally, being a huge Lord of the Rings fan. Anyway, Fey is a Dutch Warmblood, 16.3, six years old and is from a long line of dressage horses including Fuego and Uniform. Thanks to her last Mum Holly for letting us have her.
As you know, I'm not a great horse lover, I'm a bit scared of them and would prefer them as a steak but Fey has been fine with all us dogs, including Kish who has given her an eyeball to eyeball when she was lying down in the field. Here she is ..........................
She loves Dad already and nickers to him when he's in the field but totally ignores Mother, Oh well, she wasn't for Mum to ride anyway! Here's a couple more pics.

All the horses get on really well which is a good thing, as they have all been in the last few weeks as it has been so hot. Well it's not the only reason they have been in! A couple of weeks ago, Andy had Gizmo clipped and left him out in the field uncovered. Although it wasn't that warm as there was a breeze blowing, he got sunburned all down his neck and shoulders and is now losing his hair and has several bald patches. Sooo, Andy has not been able to ride at all while he is recovering. He is on the mend now but they are staying in while the suns out, in fact they're like three vampires 'cos they only come out at night!
Anyway to the rest of the news, it's moulting time for the husky. This is just off one side! The vacuum has been in use every day and it still looks like somethings died!
Talking about vacuums, our vacuum is a Dyson. Mum loves them, and has one in each of the cottages and they are good for husky fluff too! What a lot of people don't know is if your Dyson goes wrong, the repair man will come out and fix it for a one off charge of £69.95, this includes all the parts you might need including a possible new motor! So good as new! Well as Mum had got a lot, she arranged for the Dyson man, Brian, to come out and service all the Dyson's together. When he arrived, there was seven all lined up for him. He was there most of the day and replaced lots of bits and serviced them all. When he'd finished, he lined them up against the wall in front of me Mother's mural, some of you will have seen it! It was a bit like "Dyson through the ages." He then took a photo with his phone which looked a bit like this.....................
and put it on as his screen saver as "Dyson Island." I liked Brian, he's funny and he likes dogs, which I think is a good thing for a vacuum repair man!
Lastly little Poppy would like to thank Anty Heather and Uncle Chris who came down to Dumpledale a few weeks ago and left her some toys! Perhaps they didn't mean to leave them but Poppy says she will look after them until they come back again. I'm not saying they will have any stuffing left in them though!
That's all for now folks, time for some chillin in the garden before the afternoon dogrun.
Catch you later,
Waj x
It's been a bit long in coming as she's been here for 6 weeks now, so I guess she's staying! but for all you horsey lovers, please welcome Dad's new addition, Fey. Her passport name is Tempest Mothers Day, was previously called Day, but is now Fey and sometimes Faery Fey, we all have nick names as well as our real names! I think Dad fancies himself as Gandalf personally, being a huge Lord of the Rings fan. Anyway, Fey is a Dutch Warmblood, 16.3, six years old and is from a long line of dressage horses including Fuego and Uniform. Thanks to her last Mum Holly for letting us have her.
As you know, I'm not a great horse lover, I'm a bit scared of them and would prefer them as a steak but Fey has been fine with all us dogs, including Kish who has given her an eyeball to eyeball when she was lying down in the field. Here she is ..........................

Anyway to the rest of the news, it's moulting time for the husky. This is just off one side! The vacuum has been in use every day and it still looks like somethings died!

Lastly little Poppy would like to thank Anty Heather and Uncle Chris who came down to Dumpledale a few weeks ago and left her some toys! Perhaps they didn't mean to leave them but Poppy says she will look after them until they come back again. I'm not saying they will have any stuffing left in them though!

Catch you later,
Waj x