A disappointing Sunday!
Hi Folks,
Well what can I say? Last Sunday was a disaster, I even got brushed!! Urgh it makes me go all quivery everytime I think about it!
Anyhow, let me explain. Mum decided she was going to take a certain few of us to an event called “Paws in the Park” at the local Country Park called Scolton Manor. Sooo, with fluffy fur after my brushing, and Lucy and Phoebe in new collars, off we go in the van to the show.
Now, this journey is not far really, about 11 miles but as Lucy (also nicknamed Putrid Pugh by Dad, you know rhymes with Lucy Lou?) is always sick, she was put in a dog crate on a blanket. When we arrive at the aforementioned dog show, Lucy had puked up her breakfast so was then re-nick named Putrid Puke! Not only that, she had somehow managed to get it all over her tail, so our first destination was into the wooded area to get a dock leaf or something similar to remove the offending material. One sycamore leaf later and she is almost pristine again (apart from a damp patch!) and ready to go! Next, we head over to the dog show area and then Lucy decides she needs to poo. One doggy bag full later of poo of a reasonable consistency and we are again on our way to the dog ring.
At this point in the story I must digress and tell you why I mention the poo, and about our dog food. Our pet shop in Pembroke Dock that we used to use has closed down, so Mum couldn’t get our regular Greyhound and Lurcher Supadog biscuits. Sooo, while in Tesco’s on Saturday (as we were completely out of biscuits), there was a long discussion between Mum and Dad on what to get for us. Usually if we run out and were in between sacks, Mum used to get either Bakers or the Tesco own brand just to last a couple of days. But, now we were without our regular stockist, Dad wanted to put us on the cheap stuff. Mum said no to start, with but got overruled. Sooo, home came a cheap bag of Wagg active, £8.99 for a 17kg bag. Bargain thought Dad, Mum was not convinced! Well, it wasn’t the best I’ve tasted, but food is food when you’re hungry, so we all had our Wagg for Saturday night dinner, and Wagg for breakfast Sunday morning.
Now back to the dog show! When we get to the ring, it is just after two and there’s the usual classes, best trick, junior handler, prettiest eyes, waggiest tail etc. Well there was not many classes Mum could enter us for as non of us can do tricks, whippeties do NOT do waggiest tails so there wasn’t a lot left. Anyway, when she finally went over to enter she was told it was too late as all entries had to be in by 2pm! Thus thwarted and to our relief as we were totally bored by this time, they decided to call it a day.
Back at the van, there was further discussion on what to do next. Mum was going to take us home and do our usual walk round the fields, Dad said he was bored with that and fancied an ice cream so they agreed to go to Newgale and go for an ice cream in the café after. Sooo, back in the pukey cage goes Luce at which point she stops being sick and does her salivating drool. Now I’ve never had a problem in the car but poor Luce hates it, so off we go again with drooling Luce to Newgale for a run on the beach.
Great we thought until we got there, there were HUNDREDS of people and dogs on the beach as it was quite a nice day. Not being the most sociable of dogs, Luce, Phoebs and I were put on leads to get to the far side of the beach were there were less people. Just before we exited the car park though, the Wagg started to work and I just HAD to go. Well one huge donkey size pool of poo later, Dad was still struggling with the poo bags and sand to try and pick it up! Two full poo bags later we are ready to attempt the beach.
We get past the usual throng and over towards the far side of Newgale, when Phoebe decided the Wagg was better out than in and went on the sand which was a darn sight easier to get up than in the car park, even though it was runny like mine! Then she went again, and again and again, so another three poo bags later we were ready to go again. By this time, all three of us were totally bored of the whole day, so when they eventually let us off the lead we all just trailed behind them!! No one had a run, no one went in the sea and no one wanted to play. Sooo, we all had our leads put on again, and we all went home. Then the Cafe was too busy to get an ice cream, so they had to make do with one of those soft ice creams from the ice cream van, which Mum didn't enjoy very much.
Anyway, as soon as we got back we went our usual little walk round the horse field with Faith and Poppy this time, and I had a nice dip in the pond instead. Needless to say, the Wagg has now been shelved and we are back on our Greyhound and Lurcher food again!
I expect you'd like to see Lucy's new collar which Mum bid on in an auction? Very suitable for her too, I must say!

On Tuesday Mum and Dad went here..........................................

Catch you all later.
Waj x