Revenge of the Igloo!
Hi Folks,
I know some of you will have seen the whippitie igloo that we have. Lucy, Faith, Poppy and the cat all use it and this is what it looks like.....
Anyhow, when the whippities are in there, they quite often scratch around as most dogs do in their beds, to get it just so! As this particular igloo is made of three layers, the outside fake fur, a layer of foam and a thinner lining on the inside, after years of scratching, the inside layer is now shredded. A couple of weeks ago, Dad was up in Bristol moving Anty Hilary into her new house, Lucy was asleep in the igloo where she quite often stays until about 5am when she manages to creep into Mum's side of the bed (Dad doesn't like the dogs in the bed!) About 4am there was this horrible screaming coming from the lounge! We all shoot out of bed barking and Mum, Jason and Carley all arrive in the lounge together, to see Luce at full screech being eaten by the igloo! She had somehow managed to get the shredded inside lining wrapped around her back leg three times! As she was pulling it was getting tighter and tighter and cutting into her leg! It took two of them to hold the hysterical whippet, while Carley cut through the lining to free the leg. Honestly, she made so much noise you'd have thought she was being murdered! I personally thought it was soooo funny!
Huh, ewe wood fink it wuz funni Mr. P. Wodge, mi litel leggy waz hurtin a lot befor me muvver reskewed mi! I doant likes dat igyloo now, I finks I wil leeve it for de Kat! Luv Luce x
Always got something to say that Luce! Anyway that's enough of the revenge of the Igloo apart from that in the melee, in the dark, poor little Poppy got bitten on the head! That then came up in an abscess and she has also damaged her eye somehow and has now got an ulcer in it, so she is on eye drops every couple of hours and not feeling very good. Sooo, she would appreciate some "get better eye thoughts" if you could send her some.
Onto the rest of the news, Mum and Dad went to the County show, Mum loves the carriage horses and knowing their penchant for yellow and black would love to add these to their stable!

Life is very busy on the farm at the moment, as we have had a lot of what Mum terms as "Gappers" down, which usually means a barbeque, copies amounts of drinks, a midnight dip then 13 people all trying to get in the jacuzzi to warm up! It's been good fun though ,and as it was Anty Lisa's birthday yesterday, Mum did lasagne, which as you know is my favorite dish! Soooo, I have had lasagne for breakfast this morning and we have some for tea tonight, hurrah!!
I know some of you will have seen the whippitie igloo that we have. Lucy, Faith, Poppy and the cat all use it and this is what it looks like.....

Huh, ewe wood fink it wuz funni Mr. P. Wodge, mi litel leggy waz hurtin a lot befor me muvver reskewed mi! I doant likes dat igyloo now, I finks I wil leeve it for de Kat! Luv Luce x
Always got something to say that Luce! Anyway that's enough of the revenge of the Igloo apart from that in the melee, in the dark, poor little Poppy got bitten on the head! That then came up in an abscess and she has also damaged her eye somehow and has now got an ulcer in it, so she is on eye drops every couple of hours and not feeling very good. Sooo, she would appreciate some "get better eye thoughts" if you could send her some.
Onto the rest of the news, Mum and Dad went to the County show, Mum loves the carriage horses and knowing their penchant for yellow and black would love to add these to their stable!

Finally, can you guess what this is? Some strange creature from outer space? Noooo, it's Gizmo in his new anti sun outfit so he doesn't get sunburned again! The hood is actually supposed to stop midges as some horses are allergic to the bites and get what they call "sweet itch". It's supposed to fit securely on the head and protect the skin but this was obviously too big and he was trying to scratch it off. Mum found him like that in the field as she was on her way to work. He couldn't see a thing but was perfectly calm, hee hee he looks soooo funny!
From a "so looking forward to my lasagne for tea"
Waljan x