Sunday, May 19, 2013

Fly az an Owie!

Dis iz for all yew peeps out there who dont do Facebook cuz sum of youz will av seen me post, but I az got an update and sum new photies that youz may not hav seen!
Helloo Fly here, I az had an owwie playing wiv Donna and Blitzy and i az broked a bone in me leg called the tee-bee-ah. It was certinly arhh i can tell yew. I az this pink fing which dont belong to me and i keeps fallin over it! I dont likes it at all. Mummy sez i must like Mr Shaun the vet veri much az i az bin to see him and hiz frends at least 7 times in 6 weeks ;-) Mummy sez fank ewe to everione who az ast after me and i iz getting better. Luv Fly
I putted dis on Facebook just after I broked my leg two weaks ago today...........
Helloo Fly here, I az had an owwie playing wiv donna  and Blitzy and i az broked a bone in me leg called the tee-bee-ah. It was certinly arhh i can tell yew. I az this pink fing which dont belong to me and i keeps fallin over it! I dont likes it at all. Mummy sez i must like Mr  Shaun the vet veri much az i az bin to see him  and hiz frends at least 7 times in 6 weeks ;-) Mummy sez fank ewe to everione who az ast after me and i iz getting better. Luv Fly
Then cuz sum peeples were askin after mee I putz dis new post on last Monday......
Helloo Fly here again, just for you peeples to know i az bin back to see Mr Shaun today and he az put me a nize small bandiage on wiv a diffrent splint so iz can walk a hole lot better now. They ad to giv me sum sedd a tiv az i wuz a rite lickle wriggly wurm az i iz feeling a lot better now. I then did sum very hi pitched wailin az i wanted to go home and dident like that ole cage fing. Me muther sayed that she culd hear me out side i wuz so lowd! I am home now an in me baskit and ad sum chickin so i iz goin to have a kip befor tee. Fly x
Helloo Fly here again, just for you peeples to know i az bin back to see Mr Shaun today and he az put me a nize small bandiage on wiv a diffrent splint so iz can walk a hole lot better now. They ad to giv me sum sedd a tiv az i wuz a rite lickle wriggly wurm az i iz feeling a lot better now. I then did sum very hi pitched wailin az i wanted to go home and dident like that ole cage fing. Me muther sayed that she culd hear me out side i wuz so lowd! I am home now an in me baskit and ad sum chickin so i iz goin to have a kip befor tee. Fly x

Well I kin now giv youz an update! I az manajed to keep dis bandiage on for a hole weak but Daddy had to DUCKTAPEIT cuz I wuz only home an our and I ad the end of the badiage off and wuz chewin on the end of de ickle woodin splint fing! Anyways az promised heerare sum photies that were takin before I broked me leggie!

I ad just arrived tuckd in me blankie, I az a new frend called Fern who I iz goin to meet soon and she haz a pink blankie!
I cud only just reech the bisquits!
But look how Iz groan!
I plays hosses wiv uncl Blitz, I luv uncy Blitz!
Did I say I luv uncy Blitz?
Dis iz me new bandiage wich iz comin off tomorroz
Anyways dat iz all for now, I az bein out in de sun today cuz it is nice but it iz a bit warm fur Uncle Waj wich iz why he haz lent me the blog agin.
Seez youz all soon.
Luv Fly x