Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A fraught visit to the beach and a welcome to PIP!

Waj here again, you enjoying all this hot weather? I can honestly say I’m not enjoying it that much, as I am a bit too hairy for all that sun! Luckily Dad’s bedroom stays fairly cool as I have all the curtains drawn to keep out the heat and all the windows open. Also we don’t go on the dogrun now till later in the afternoon when it’s cooler and we go for our dip in the pond which little Fly now joins us for. One of the few whippets I’ve met who don’t mind water!
I think it may be to do with her broken leggy, cos when she finally had her “bandiage” off, her little leg was withered and skinny and her foot which had had the dressing on was now smaller than the other one as it hadn’t grown. Mr Shaun the vet said she had to keep it moving and using it, so we went on several road walks round the block. Then Mum bought her a life jacket so she could take her swimming, she didn’t like the old hydrotherapy at first, but now she swims quite well for a whippet!
Druidstone Beach
 Of course we have been to the beach too to keep cool. We went to Druidstone a few nights ago for the first time with Donna, Blitz, Fly and moi all together. Don’t think it was a very restful experience for me mother though!
Firstly Donna and I both went to the loo in the long grass on the path down, instead of waiting till we got to the beach where it would have been easier for Dad to bag….hee hee. He used at least three bags trying to scrape it out the grass. Then we got to the beach and he let Donna and Blitz off where they immediately chased out to the sea to annoy some Kayakers who were trying to fend them off with their paddles! Then they charged back as only large lurchers can do at 50 miles an hour, so Fly had to be swept up out of the way so they didn’t break her again. 
By the way, did I tell you that Fly eats anything? By the time we had got halfway across the beach she had sampled some seaweed, chewed a mussel off a rock, was chomping on a pebble and was then just about to head towards a washed up jellyfish when “ping” she was caught and put back on the lead again. By this time the gruesome twosome were off after seagulls at the other end of the beach, again returning at a speed of knots so again Fly had to be whisked up out of the way. I, of course, was just tootling along minding my own business in my own inimitable Waljan style way!
Blitz on the beach
Blitz then obliged by performing on the beach, which was a lot easier to get up than the path had been, so now with four rather full poo bags, Mum decides she has had enough excitement for one day and is heading back to the van! So much for our relaxing trip to the beach.
Over the last few weeks we have had several barbeques on the decking, great in this warm weather and it was nice to see Uncle Maffhew again and his friend Luna and daughter Zoe. They treated Mum and Dad to a boat trip round Skomer which they all enjoyed, they saw some Puffins, lots of other birds and some seals.
Also, Fly and I have been down to the pub on a few occasions where she has a new friend there, a big black and white collie called Bob.
We also have some new additions to the farm in the form of some new chickens as Mr Fox had the last lot!
The new chickens

They are hybrid chickens, two Sussex star, two Black star, a Bluebelle and a Daisybelle!
Also this hot weather has changed some of our sleeping positions! That puppy will sleep anywhere!
On the chair!

Upside down!
In the car!
With a friend!
 Aha, I can hear the cries of "who's that?" from all my blog readers who don't do Facebook, as those of you who do will know it is the latest addition to the Davies household, a little whippet cross called Pip. He is four months old and the little perishers have been running each other ragged since Pip arrived on Saturday. He is a smart little fellow though after one attempt to get in my basket with me and me showing him me big old gnashers, he didn't try it again!
Here's another photo!
Anyway, that's all for now folks, see some of you soon! I hear I'm in for a trim with anty Karen soon, ho hum!
Catch you later, Waj x