Friday, December 06, 2013

November Maddieness

Yep, It's me again! Maddie!

Well, it looks like Waj liked my last little 'Diary Entry', so he's asked me to have another go!

Now, besides not having any big knickers or a massive crush on either Colin Firth or Hugh Grant, I'm sure I can still give Bridget Jones a run for her money.

So, here goes!!

As you may or may not know, Myself, Gyp and the rest of our gang head down to Little Dumpledale Farm for the first week of November, to escape the whizzes and bangs of Guy Fawkes night, but mainly cos we absolutely love it!

Our arrival this year was typically eventful! More for Trevor than for us really! It was 'windeeeeeeeee'! So much so, that the fences of Swallows Dance were blown down! So Trev had the fun of putting them all back up the next day. Oh how we laughed! (Sorry Trev lol)

We had a new pal with us this year. He looks a bit like me, I'm sure you'll hardly be able to tell us apart. His name's Teddy. See if you can pick him out in the following pics.

We spent the week having so much fun, both on and around the farm as well as on the fantastic beaches we visited. Talking of beaches, as Waj eluded to in his last blog, Carol,Trevor and four of the young LD dogs, Blitz, Donna, Pip and Fly came to the beach with us one day. It was amazing, they're all so fast! Here's a few pics of us having fun:

And here's a couple from around the farm;

When Teddy got stuck in the leeks

and when I showed him Gizmo and Callie the horses for the first time

He didn't know what they were! Haha! 

And this is how we ended up after our fun filled days!

Hopefully you've enjoyed my little natter and overload of piccies.

Much love

Maddie x-woof-x