Hi folks,
Well, as promised in my last missive, some scenes of devastation Luce style! But, before I post them, I will just run you through the lead up to the actual event. A couple of weeks ago, Dad's sister Janet came to stay with us for the weekend. She had actually come to bid at auction for the next door farm but unfortunately, the price went to high. Anyway, Mum had cooked on the Sunday night so Andy offered to cook on the Monday night. This came as a bit of a shock to them all, as Andy doesn't normally offer. So, off they trotted to his place at 7pm delighted to have got out of cooking for the night. After several glasses of wine and some suprisingly good food, they got back later to this...........................................

I am, you understand, just inspecting the scene, I had NOTHING to do with it!
Luce had in fact done a spot of counter surfing, got a brand new packet of three kitchen rolls and shredded them all in the garden. You may notice the odd shredded cardboard box thrown in for good effect. This was only half of the garden, the other half was the same.
Here she is pretending it wasn't her!

Who me? It's snowing in summer!
Anyway, let us now jump forward to last weekend when we went to the beach with Star, Molly and their mum Ceri! We luurrve the beach and here we are in the sandunes just going down to the water..................

Star and Molly are two rescue greyhounds, Ceri has had Star for quite a long time as he is now 13. Molly finished on the track last year and has been with Ceri since then. As with most ex racing dogs she has spent all her life in a kennel and wasn't used to home life or the idea of playing. However for the first time on the beach she actually played with us for a short while. Mainly with Luce who can wind anyone up to play! Here she is doing a "lets play" pose behind Luce...................................

The little black thing behind Luce was a King Charles Cavalier we met on the beach. He wouldn't leave us alone and his poor Dad came traipsing down the beach at least four times to collect him! Ha, ha, just noticed Luce actually looks like a whippet with seven legs and a black hairy posterior! Didn't see that before!
Here are Star and Molly having a mooch on the beach. Star..................


As you can see, she still has a few bare patches from kennel life.
Also that week we met Laura, Martin and family, they gave us some tips on how to destress your dog which apparently works well on firework night. All done with a bandage! The miracles of modern technology! Mum will explain how it works to me and I'll run through it on the blog for you at a later date.
Nearly time to go now as Mum is definately going in for her operation tomorrow so as she won't be here to turn the computer on for me. Bah humbug! Never mind I'm sure we can think of something to wind Dad up. Luce carried his watch into the garden last week but as it had a metal strap, it was a bit hard on the teeth so she just left it there. Got him a bit hot under the collar though. Hee, hee.
Off now for the evening dogrun, speak soon,
Waj x