Sunday, November 27, 2005


Well, the big news of the week is SNOW!

We all ran round the field in it was so exciting, even the older ladies Faith and Beryl were running round with us! I had to keep sticking my nose in it and digging 'cos it was so cold and wet.I'm sure there's something under there........................................................

Here's the real snow dog, she was so excited to see snow too, (notice I'm doing my stealthly, silent approach from the bottom left of picture, ready to POUNCE!).

Ha, I always get her on that one!

Here's the whippety's looking like little fairies in their snow kingdom! Aren't they sweet?

Then going at full pelt to warm up!

Well it was exciting while it was here but it only lasted one day. Oh well, never mind!

Just wanted to say a quick Hi to Auntie Sue who has recently had a knee job (or was it a nose job? She'd look funny with one like mine! No, it was definately a knee job!). GET WELL SOON, love from all of us on the farm. Also love to Bry, Andy, Amy and Wayne not forgeting the whippety's Paddy and Grace! xxx

Other than that it's all quiet on the Western Front, no one to speak to in the cottages until Christmas so let's hope we have some more SNOW soon!

Anyway, just off to have a nap after my walk.

Speak soon, Waj x

Monday, November 07, 2005

Sad news and some reminicing.

Well on Sunday I was so excited about going to the beach, I forgot to send big cuddles and licks to Corinne, Colin, JJ, Twizzle and Hootie, as Murphy went to the Bridge last week Apparently Uncle Wally is there too so no doubt they will have a frisk round together. So sad, but we are all thinking about you. Anyway, while we are reminicing, here are some photo's of Uncle Wal firstly having a swim..............................

Wow, look at the length on that tongue!

Here he is in what was his favourite place.......................................

Anyway, must dash as it's nearly time for the night walk, though it is a bit scary sometimes out there in the dark!

Speak soon, Waj x

PS Forgot to say Hi to Lady-Belle also known as "Madam" also Chris and Rudy. I haven't met them yet but apparently Madam is Pestia's sister. Don't know why she'd growl at me though, I just collapse to jelly if anyone looks at me funny never mind growls!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Guess where I went today?

Hi ya folks, guess where I went today? I'll give you a clue, there was lots of water................................

Yes, you're right, we went to the beach! Only three of us went as the naughty whippets and the even naughtier husky had to stay at home. The whippets had chased a cat up a tree this morning, the best place for most of them I dare say! Faith had banged her eye on the tree trying to climb it and Hess is still only allowed one walk a day as They are still trying to put weight on her (wish we all had that problem!).

Anyway, we had a lovely time as the sun was's a really atmospheric shot!

Don't I look dainty? Then we met this HUGE great dane so I thought I would roll over a bit and submit ( no sense in being a chewed hero!)

Then I went back to play with Bear and Poppy, bet you can't balance on one leg!

Aren't I so clever? Here I am having fun with Bear .............................................

Just to keep you up to date with our visitors news. We have two very beautiful greys in Dumpledale this week called Tillie and Tess (black and white particolours) I do love greys they're just my size! They belong to Sally and Jane. Also we entertained on Friday and had Sue and Paul (greyhound gappers) over for dinner. It's always great cos I get the scraps! Lasagne again and I'm very partial to lasagne, yum yum. Mum and Sue were drinking this sort of lemony alcoholic drink which they both enjoyed (on top of wine I might add !) so a good time was had by all and a bit of a lie in the next day!

Anyway, must go and have a sleep, had three exciting walks today and am feeling a bit knackered.

See you soon, Walj x